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Here you can find a selection of older mandelbaum books:

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Diantha oder der Wert der Hausarbeit

Roman. Herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Petra Schaper Rinkel. Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Margot Fischer


ISBN: 978385476-547-9


» Full Text in German

Katrin Triebswetter, Luna Al-Mousli, Marie-Christine Gollner-Schmid
Wir sind hier

45 Jugendliche. 45 Geschichten. 45 Orte in Wien


ISBN: 978385476-501-1


» Full Text in German

Andrea Heistinger, Daniela Ingruber (Hg.)

Gutes Essen in Zeiten mobiler Zutaten


ISBN: 978385476-342-0


Food Cultures. Good Food in the Times of Mobile Ingredients

Good food, produced ecologically sustainable and socially faire, has long since become a luxurious good, which is a means of identity for people. In periods of opulence the joining of culture and eating often becomes an »event«. But for many peoples it is impossible or very difficult to supply themselves with healthy food because of the high prices. This raises the question whether social backgrounds are factors for the decision if food is something special or just a necessity.

This miscellany searches playfully for these aspects - and admits the daily language use: food culture as a positive term; how we deal with the eaten food, the waste, the digestion and the desire to eat healthily and at the same time to thin down.

The authors are scientists, artists and activist. The book accompanies the exhibition »Mobile Food« in Upper Austria in 2011.

» Full Text in German

Thomas Kolnberger, Ilja Steffelbauer (Hg.)
Krieg in der europäischen Neuzeit


ISBN: 978385476-347-5


War in the European Modern Age

This second volume of the series »Krieg und Gesellschaft/War and Society« continues the military history of Europe. It comprises the decline of feudalism, the enterprisers of the Thirty Years War, the war cabinet of the absolutism at the end of the Ancien Régime and the great armies of the Napoleonic wars (1400-1800).

The various contributions engage, for example, in Bohemia as a marketplace for mercenaries in the late middle Ages, the development of regular armies, the contribution of Moorish Granada to the European modern times, the geometrization of landscape by early modern fortress constructions, or the Irish Catholics in the service of Hapsburg.

An international group of historians, cultural sociologists, legal historians and representatives of other scholarly disciplines continue the concept of this series to analyse war and military not as isolated but as imbedded in the social and intellectual developments of the time.

» Full Text in German

Leo Gabriel, Herbert Berger (Hg.)
Lateinamerikas Demokratien im Umbruch


ISBN: 978385476-354-3


Latin America's Democracies in Transition

The geopolitical change in Latin America is not a short-termed one. It founds on a deep change in the political consciousness of the majority of the population that has loomed in the last fifty years.

This miscellany analyses the area of tension between civil society, economy and state out of different perspectives with contributions from Argentine, Chile, Brasilia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Honduras, Columbia, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay and Venezuela.

The causes for a renewing are on the one hand the catastrophic smash-up of former economy concepts and on the other the strengthening of native folk cultures that have been oppressed or instrumentalized for many centuries.

The main question is the one after the perspectives of these very different movements, which are connected with names like Hugo Chavez, Luiz Inácio da Silva »Lula«, Kirchner or Evo Morales.

The papers offer an introduction to the problem of Latin America and they are, firstly, designed for a political interested reader. They present successes and perspectives, but also the enormous difficulties and setbackes of the continental process of transformation.

» Full Text in German

Alexander Litsauer, Barbara Litsauer (Hg.)
Verlorene Nachbarschaft

Jüdische Emigration von der Donau an den Rio de la Plata


ISBN: 978385476-344-4


Lost Neighbourhood. Jewish Emigration from the Danube to the Rio de la Plata

During and after World War Two about 40.000 German-speaking Jews emigrated to Argentina. This community is still the biggest one of the world. In 2008, 70 years after the Pogrom Night, a 1938 destroyed Viennese synagogue was mounted in a park in the centre of Buenos Aires. It was the place for meetings, dialogues, presentations, school projects and further events.

The miscellany records this project, presents portraits of contemporary witnesses, papers on subject of the flight, the difficult establishment of one's livelihood and imparts an impression of the manifold Jewish life of the today in Argentina.

The authors juxtapose the history of both countries without an equalisation: In the case of Austria the time of the displacement of former Jewish neighbours and further minorities during the Nazi regime and in the case of Argentina the systematic persecution and commonplaceness of the disappearing of supposed political dissidents during the military dictatorship.

The papers are from famous Austrian and Argentinean writers, political scientists, jurists, historians and psychologists. The miscellany contains also many historical and contemporary images.

» Full Text in German

Ingrid Haslinger
Dampf stieg aus dem Topf hervor

Eine Kulturgeschichte der Suppen aus aller Welt


ISBN: 978385476-338-3


Vapour ascended from the Pot. A Cultural History of Soups from all over the World

She shall take away hunger, satisfy thirst, fill the stomach, clean the tooth, boost sleep and digestion and redden the cheek. The Italian people really have high demands on their soups. But the soup as an all-rounder manages everything.

The image of the soup has not always been that clean, how one learns in Haslinger's book. Historical and political events as well as changing traditions of consumption have played pranks on her: slimness mania and finished products have let many soup recipes sink into oblivion.

But is soup a luxurious appetizer or a trivial feeder? Where ends the soup and starts the stew?

Ingrid Haslinger researches into the history of the soup (starting with the invention of the pot), she tells, for example, of the cooking of sweet and sour soups and of Emperor Wilhelm I. who owed his old age to power soups made of the juice of six kilo beef, four doves and two chickens. She has collected recipes from all over the World, from England to Italy, Poland to France as well as Asia, North and South America and Australia. The world of the soup, truly, is a borderless one.

» Full Text in German

Linda Wolfsgruber
Was auf den Tisch kam

Lieblingsspeisen und Geschichten aus der Kindheit. Gesammelt und illustriert von Linda Wolfsgruber


ISBN: 978385476-337-6


What Came on the Table. Favourite Dishes and Stories of Childhood. Collected and illustrated by Linda Wolfsgruber

»This book collects recipes and personal stories concerning eating of friends and acquaintances. All the stories happened a long time ago and they find their echo in these narrations. But the recipes we can cook and therewith awaken a part of the childhood memories.« This is how Linda Wolfsgruber explains the concept of her book.

Persons of different age and hailing from different places make a culinary travel back to their childhood. Each chapter is designed as an allusion to a fairy tale and it is accompanied by recipes of the favourite dishes and by illustrations of the artist Linda Wolfsgruber.

All in all, a culinary reading trip into the world of childhood, which makes us clear how much we are coined by those dishes.

» Full Text in German

Siroos Mirzaei, Martin Schenk (Hg.)
Abbilder der Folter

Hemayat: 15 Jahre Arbeit mit traumatisierten Flüchtlingen


ISBN: 978385476-351-2


Images of Torture. Heyamat: 15 Years of Work with Traumatised Refugees

People who have survived torture and war often suffer their whole lives from the consequences of traumatising experiences - bodily and psychically.

This book engages in the images of torture and follows the traces that were left behind by the survivors. The texts deal with patients who show manifold psychic and physic symptoms and couldn't be cared for accordingly in the existing care facilities of their home country, during their flight and in the host countries.

The employees of Hemayat, a care facility for the support of survivors of torture and war, have assisted people who experienced terrible sorrows since 1995. They help them to learn to live with the effects of terror, accompany them on their way trough their grief, search with them ways for the future and offer help for integration.

» Full Text in German

Christine Diercks, Sabine Schlüter (Hg.)

Sigmund-Freud-Vorlesungen 2009


ISBN: 978385476-350-5


Anxiety. Sigmund Freud-Lectures 2009

The 2009 series of lectures of the Viennese Psychoanalytical Association engaged in the phenomena of anxiety out of a psychoanalytical perspective, its unconscious roots, neurobiological fundamentals, clinical images and the individual and collective efforts of defence that anxiety requires.

The term anxiety is deciphered for the interested public as well as for the professional audience. Psychoanalysis has approached to the relation of anxiety to the instincts.

As signal anxiety it has a security function against external fear and against an overflow of instincts. In the condition of »nameless anxiety« the instinct's life is completely disrupted while it can become to the source of the instinct's satisfaction as anxiety of lust. The various manifestations of anxiety and its defence have a central role in all psychopathological and cultural processes.

» Full Text in German

Thomas Geldmacher, Hannes Metzler, Magnus Koch, Peter Pirker, Lisa Rettl (Hg.)
»Da machen wir nicht mehr mit ...«

Österreichische Soldaten und Zivilisten vor Gerichten der Wehrmacht


ISBN: 978385476-341-3


»We won't partake there any more...« Austrian Soldiers and Civilians in Court of the Wehrmacht

The exhibition »What then was just... - Soldiers and Civilians in Court of the Wehrmacht« has been on a tour through Germany and Austria since 2007. The exhibition remembers the fates of men and women who were sentenced by the criminal military judiciary during World War Two.

This accompanying book documents the lives of 14 persons who were sentenced heavily or to death and explains the injustice and despotism of the German military courts: It presents the Nazi judges who had great scopes but nonetheless gave the sentence of death; the same judges that went in for a career after 1945 at courts, academies and in politics and therefore partook in the building up of after war Germany and Austria, of which the latter did not come to terms with the past.

Book like exhibition focus on the political-historical conflicts with the rehabilitation of the victims of the Nazi military courts and give voice to contemporary witnesses.

» Full Text in German

Oksan Svastics
Jüdisches Istanbul


ISBN: 978385476-329-1


Jewish Istanbul. A city guide

The Jewish community in Istanbul was one of the biggest of the world in the past, since centuries Jewish life existed there. The first settlements of Jews came into being 1700 years ago; the settlers were survivors of the Roman and Byzantine massacres. Later, the Sephardic Jews from the Iberian Peninsula who had been expelled by the Spanish inquisition came to Istanbul. From Russia, Poland, Italy, Germany and Hungary the Jews came in search for refuge.

The life, culture and cityscape have been strongly coined by this manifold migration, for example by the foundation of synagogues or the different places which still have Jewish names.

This city guide offers various proposals for city tours to forgotten stories, schools, shops, buildings and peoples who are presented here. Furthermore, the guide mentions some inventions which were brought to Istanbul by Jews in the time of the Ottoman Empire, like the printing press, the sericulture or even the cinema.

Travelling with Mandelbaum – Jewish Europe city guides: These guides offer historical and practical information on past and present Jewish life in European cities together with cultural pointers and the stories behind the visible world. They also contain addresses, photos and maps to illustrate the past and Jewish life today. Guides on Vienna, Budapest, Prague and Amsterdam have already been published.

» Full Text in German

Walther L. Bernecker, Hans Werner Tobler (Hg.)
Die Welt im 20. Jahrhundert bis 1945

Globalgeschichte - die Welt 1000-2000


ISBN: 978385476-324-6


The World in the 20th Century until 1945. Global History - The World 1000-2000

The period from the closing nineteenth century to the time after World War Two was coined like no period before by the intense relations, interactions and transfers between the different regions of the world. This is the main focus of this book and therefore it questions the Eurocentric perspective of historiography.

The essays cover thematically the growing world economic interconnectedness, the revolutions of transport and communication in the late nineteenth and the twentieth century, the immense migration of people, the expansion of European colonial rule, the intense global interdependence of political ideas and institution, the cultural exchange and the widening of uniform methods of consumption.

In fact, there were also oppositional tendencies in this period, for example the breakup of multiethnic states and the emergence of new national states in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, first signs of decolonisation or phases of world economic dissolution during World War One, the global economic crisis of the 1930s or of World War Two. But all in all, the compression of global interaction prevailed. And at the end of this epoch there was a new constellation of the global powers.

This book is part of an eight-volume global history of the second millennium. »The World 1000-2000« shows how the increasing contact with foreigners has intensified the urge for ethnical identity shaping and cultural demarcation in all societies.

» Full Text in German

Andreas Obenaus, Christoph Kaindel (Hg.)
Krieg im mittelalterlichen Abendland


ISBN: 978385476-331-4


War in the Medieval Occident

»Krieg und Gesellschaft/War and Society« is a new series in six volumes that goes from the ancient world to the present day. The first volume covers the ancient world and the beginning of the Early Modern Age (ca. 450-1550), from the breakdown of the Roman Empire to the discovery of the so called New World. The articles attach the Mediterranean area with the Continent; they comprise the Islamic Expansion in the North of Africa and the journeys of the Vikings in the North Sea, the Spanish Reconquista and the steppe empire of Eurasia.

The idea of this series is to join analyses of historians, archaeologists, literary scientists, geographers, orientalists and linguists, and therefore to consider various aspects of military in the medieval Occident. Although the war should not become the "father of all things", he remains the determining factor also in non-military fields: economic, constitution, social structure, gender role, technique, art, architecture, culture, habitat, language and mentality are clearly influenced by military demands. Each volume of this series assembles, theretofore, analyses from the micro-history up to the history of structure with the war in his historical framing as main motif.

» Full Text in German

Jacques Offenbach, Karl Kraus, Wolfram Berger, Theocharis Feslikidis
Die Großherzogin von Gerolstein

Klangbuch, gebunden mit 1 CD


ISBN: 978385476-330-7


The Duchess of Gerolstein. An audio book in hardcover with one CD

Karl Kraus has awakened the understanding for the deeper layers of Offenbach's craziness with his reading of the great Offenbach operetta »The Duchess of Gerolstein«, which was accompanied on piano, and has discovered a world full of prosperous nonsense. Wolfram Berger has rediscovered this world in his virtuous version of the operetta. In the fictitious dukedom of Gerolstein, about the year 1840: A young regent, a count, a prince, general Bumm and a smart but pacific infantryman are in the centre of this satire, in which a war is triggered off by foolishness and vanity. The war progresses in a tumultuous and non-expected way. In the adaptation of Karl Kraus in which the operetta changes from the sublime to the ridiculous one can find also fragments of his famous piece »Die letzten Tage der Menschheit/The Last Days of Mankind.« Wolfgang Berger's performance of all parts of this piece is comical, thrilling, ridiculous and full of surprises. Through his play with words he achieves a dense, brilliant, profound but also foolish and burlesque production. He is accompanied on piano by Theochris Feslikidis.

» Full Text in German

Renald Deppe, Bodo Hell, Brigitta Höpler (Hg.)
Linde tröstet Schubert

Waber retrospektiv und Weggefährten


ISBN: 978385476-332-1


Linde Consoles Schubert. Waber Retrospective and Companions

This book accompanied the Linde Waber exhibition in Vienna in 2010 (Leopold Museum). This exhibition was a retrospective on occasion of Waber's 70th birthday. The exhibition catalogue contains her colour woodcuts, her fascination for foreign and enigmatic signs, her illustrations and oil paintings.

The indicatory motif for Waber's art has always been the surroundings as carrier of atmosphere and as source of inspiration. Her extensive travels, to Japan or the deserts of Africa, have given her - besides native spaces and landscapes like the idyllic surroundings of her hometown Zwettl in Lower Austria's Waldviertel - that atmosphere and have helped to visualise especially the traces of humankind.

The catalogue contains texts by Waber's companions as well as art historians and presents among other things her »Tageszeichnungen« (daily drawings), a project for which she has made a daily diary »sketch« since twenty years.

» Full Text in German

Peter Feldbauer, Gerald Hödl, Jean-Paul Lehners (Hg.)
Rhythmen der Globalisierung

Expansion und Kontraktion zwischen dem 13. und 20. Jahrhundert


ISBN: 978385476-326-0


The Rhythm of Globalisation. Expansion and Constriction between the 13th and 20th Century

The processes of globalisation between the 13th and 20th century were exposed to a lot of changes during its progress. This book helps to come to a deeper understanding of this processes in giving a survey of the expansions and constrictions. The main focus lies on periods in which it came to new demarcations and fragmentations and thus to developments against globalisation. The conception of globalisation as a rhythmical process that oscillates between expansion and constriction founds on the belief that also the current phase of globalisation is not an irreversible trend. Most of the papers concerning globalisation that were published in the last years understand the phenomenon as a constant but also irregular expansion. In the centre are the phases of quickening, expansion and quantitative augmentation of the intercontinental exchange of people, goods, ideas and methods.

The study starts with the Late Middle Ages, a time where the various parts of Eurasia were only loosely connected through economical, technological and cultural transfers before it came to a weakening of the contacts through phenomena of crises in the 14th century. It closes with the decades after the Second World War, especially with the years since 1980, when in the fields of economy a new form and intensity of global interaction was achieved.

» Full Text in German

Franz Kolland, Petra Dannecker, August Gächter, Christian Suter (Hg.)
Soziologie der globalen Gesellschaft

Eine Einführung


ISBN: 978385476-311-6


Sociology in the Globalised Society. An Introduction

Because of the great success of the volume »Einführung in die Entwicklungssoziologie/Introduction into Developmental Sociology« this newly composed introduction is published.

The references of sociology have for a long time been the societies of (Western) Europe and later also of North America. With the decolonisation and the development of the non-Western regions of the world these societies and their relations have come into the focus increasingly. Because of the changing reference points an internationally orientated and globally adjusted sociology has developed out of the various nationally dominated sociologies. In this context the concept of the »transnational« is regarded with a special interest.

Not the national states nor the nationally positioned commercial enterprises but the global players are the important bearers of social action. The new technologies of information and communication have made this process possible. Out of this, structure networks have come into being and they influence the future social production, distribution and consumption. New sociological approaches assume that the global information will be received quite differently in the various regions. Furthermore, the thesis of an uniform global culture is relativised through empirical results, which say that without doubt the existing tendencies of homogenisation have always provoked and created local resistance so that the cultural globalisation is accompanied paradoxically by the strengthening of the local.

» Full Text in German

Christine Diercks, Sabine Schlüter (Hg.)
»post Freud - post Klein«

Sigmund-Freud-Vorlesungen 2008


ISBN: 978385476-307-9


Post-Freud. Post-Klein. Sigmund Freud-Lectures 2008

The great renovators of psychoanalysis were in the centre of this series of lectures of the Viennese Psychoanalytical Association: Jacques Lacan, Wilfred Bion and Donald W. Winnicott, the three theoretical and clinical renovators in the aftermath of the controversial discussions.

Lacan is widely read in the humanities and cultural studies as psychoanalyst who interpreted anew and radicalised the works of Sigmund Freud. This, in fact, was a return to Freud, but with the intention to develop Freud's theories further. Lacan had also a deep impact on poststructuralism.

Bion developed contributions to the psychoanalysis of groups and made essential contributions to the theory of thinking on the basis of Freud and Klein. His concepts of the pre-symbolic communication between mother and child about the transformation of emotional experience in the normal and the pathological development are a fundamental in all psychoanalytical schools.

Winnicot was a psychoanalyst and paediatrician. In his theoretical thoughts about the psychic development he emphasised the influence of the mother-child-relation and coined various popular terms like »holding«, »good enough mother« or »falsches Selbst/false self«.

» Full Text in German

Franz Nahrada (Hg.)
Unsichtbare Intelligenz

Kritik, Vision und Umsetzung - Bausteine einer neuen Theoriekultur


ISBN: 978385476-312-3


Invisible Intelligence. Critic, Vision and Performance - Components of a New Culture of Theory

If one searched with the same enthusiasm for talents of critical theory and coherent models of alternative social practice as for the new superstars of the culture industry or talents for the upper management or multimedia design one would find very quickly someone.

This book tries to compile the existing serious and sustainable discourses that organise themselves in own media of publication and therefore develop invisibly for the established public.

The papers of this miscellany comprise not only the critic of public perception, the paradoxes of the market economy and the market culture, the subversive potentials of the media and new forms of working and cooperation but also questions of an »other« science, the dialectic of visions of the future and changes in the present. The different approaches can not be allotted to any academy discipline and are nonetheless or even therefore able to understand and change reality.

The symposium that was held in Graz (Styria) in 2008 with the same title as the book assembled such theoreticians of various fields with the target to find new scopes of thinking, in which the reckless critic of new vision and pragmatical force of change came together.

» Full Text in German

Beatrix Müller-Kampel, Wolfgang Schmutz
Williges Fleisch, schwaches Federvieh

Das österreichische Literaturkochbuch


ISBN: 978385476-316-1


Willing Flesh, Weak Poultry. The Austrian Literary Cookbook

Austrian cuisine is neither lacking fat nor meat or sweet delicacies, but it does suffer the absence of Iiterary flavour.

In numerous cookbooks one finds recipes, but there is no literary text beyond a few quotations. This "insatiable" anthology is going to change that!

The authors have decided to make the way to Austrian food accessible through literary writings which prove to be classics, occasionally provincial, betimes absurd or outrightly "unswallowable".

This includes texts by Abraham a Sancta Clara, Johann Nestory, Arthur Schnitzler, Franz Kafka, Joseph Roth, Thomas Bernhard, Ernst Jandl, Helmut Qualtinger, Robert Menasse and many more. In addition, the reader learns a lot about ancient and current recipes from all Austrian regions - going from the rural kitchen to the famous Viennese "coffee culture" - as well as about the authors.

» Full Text in German

Claudia Trupp, Alexander Trupp

Interkulturelle Begegnung auf Augenhöhe?


ISBN: 978385476-318-5


Ethno-Tourism - Intercultural Meeting between Equals?

"Ethno-tourism" is a unique way of travelling. It specifically leads tourists to "alien" and "aboriginal" cultures (be it the Himba in Namibia, the Akha in Thailand or the people living in the Austrian Alps) and spotlights the local inhabitants as objects of curious interest. In the process, the visited are shown as exotic as possible to fulfill the expectations of the tourists.

This phenomenon goes back to the age of journeys of explorations where rumours about "noble savages and barbarians" spread through travel accounts, pictures and later photography.

The book is based on secondary literature as well as case studies from Latin America, Africa, Southeast Asia and Europe. It offers an analysis on the complex relationships between travellers, locals and tourism industry. Points of discussion are the participation of the locals, marketing, the construction of secluded "tourist areas" and the socio-cultural and socio-economic impacts. Sometimes, even among scientists, the line between being an explorer and being a tourist is a thin one. In the end a question comes up: Who are the savages in »ethno-tourism«?

» Full Text in German

Ingrid Haslinger
Es möge Erdäpfel regnen

Eine Kulturgeschichte der Kartoffel. Mit 170 Rezepten


ISBN: 978385476-315-4


Let the Sky Rain Potatoes. A Cultural History of the Potato. With 170 recipes

The potato, an essential part of our staple foods, has its origins in the New World. In an incomparable conquest the potato established itself in the whole of Europe as the »marzipan of the man in the street«.

After the great success as »Cookbook of the Month« in November 2008 this book is published in a revised edition with new illustrations. It is not a cookbook in a traditional sense; the added recipes serve also for the description of the development of potato dishes, starting with the moderate beginnings in Europe. The recipes demonstrate the mutability of this so poorly looking food. Nevertheless: The trying of the recipes is wished for!

» Full Text in German

Michael Mann (Hg.)
Die Welt im 19. Jahrhundert

GLobalgeschichte. Die Welt 1000 - 2000


ISBN: 978385476-310-9


The World in the 19th Century. Global History - The World 1000-2000

The historians date the beginning of the long nineteenth century with the revolutions in North America and France about 1780 and they close it with World War One, but also include the time about 1920 with its efforts for a new global order of peace.

Because of the limited possibilities of Western Europe in the first half of the nineteenth century it became conscious of its overseas dominions in North America and the Caribbean and therefore used them for aliment, fuel and construction material. Sugar and cotton were the basis of an economy which provided Western Europe's consumer market with the help of slaves and contract workers. Besides the increasing transport of goods the perceivable global migration was characteristically for the nineteenth century. With the rising number of migrating people religions and revolutions spread over the globe. New organisational and administrative structures had to be developed because of the industrialisation and the growth of congested areas.

About 1900 the world experienced an important impulse for globalisation through means of communication like telegraph or telephone as well as means of transportation like railway and steamships. Also sciences like geography, cartography, biology and history played an increasing role for a new understanding of the world.

All in all, the nineteenth century with its radical changes is one of the most interesting period of world history.

This book is part of an eight-volume global history of the second millennium. »The World 1000-2000« shows how the increasing contact with foreigners has intensified the urge for ethnical identity shaping and cultural demarcation in all societies.

» Full Text in German

Yu Zhang
Buddha sprang über die Mauer

Ein süd-chinesisches Kulinarium


ISBN: 978385476-317-8


Buddha jumped over the Wall - Culinary Delights from the South of China

For many Europeans "The Middle Kingdom", China, is a land far far away, strange and unimaginable and therefore usually treated with a certain reservation. Curiously, the first association with China is neither the cultural revolution nor the economic boom but the Chinese food. An enormous number of restaurants in Europe broadcasts the Chinese culture, despite the fact that many of the "typical chinese meals" are not known in China. Since the land is obviously vast, its kitchen is a big topic as well and not likely to fit into a single book. Therefore, the author picked out five provinces in the center and the south of China, south of the Yang-Tse-river. The recipes are described in a way that anyone in an European household can cook the described food as well. There will be many readers wondering at the simple preparations, that incidentally make this book a must-have even for people who don´t have much time for the cooking process.

Food is an important constant in the turbulent history of the country; the dining culture outclasses the one in Europe by ages. The knowledge saved in the recipes, is not purely a matter of culinary pleasure, but a matter of comprehending the human body as a whole. This is what makes the Chinese cuisine a piece of art, a tool in the pursue of perfect harmony.

» Full Text in German

Christine Diercks, Sabine Schlüter (Hg.)
Die großen Kontroversen

Sigmund Freud-Vorlesungen 2007


ISBN: 978385476-290-4


Controversies. Sigmund Freud-Lectures 2007

Main controversial issues in psychoanalysis were the subject of the Sigmund Freud-Lectures of 2007. Hence, this volume broaches the issue of the numerous quarrels since the beginning of psychoanalysis and most importantly the development of new theories, which traditionally resulted from these disputes.

Through constant checking, discarding and integration of ideas, the history of psychoanalysis has come into being.

» Full Text in German

Renata Schmidtkunz
Im Gespräch – Uri Avnery

»Ich hoffe und glaube, dass ich den Frieden noch erlebe«


ISBN: 978385476-303-1


A Conversation with Uri Averny. »I hope that I once will experience peace.«

»In the whole 71 years of my life I've never experience a single day of peace. I hope and I belief that I once will experience peace,« said Uri Avnery in a speech he held in Salzburg in 2005.

Who is this man? A dreamer? A displacer of reality? A prophet of blank promises? Or just an optimistic realist?

The 71 years Avnery spoke of are those years that have elapsed since his immigration to the former Palestine. Avnery, born in 1923 as Helmut Ostermann near Hannover, thence was ten years old. For five years he was a member of the underground organization »Irgun«, which fought through acts of sabotage against the British rule and the Arabian population. But the experience of the war changed him and he transformed into an activist of peace. He then worked as journalist and wrote against the establishment and injustice. He was therefore criticised in Israel but at the same time became a star of the European peace movement. He founded with others »Gush Shalom«, an initiative for peace, in 1993; their target was to end the occupation in the West Bank, which had been occupied by Israel in 1967, the establishment of an independent state for the Palestinian and the assurance of peace for both peoples.

Renata Schmidtkunz met the former member of the Israeli parliament in Tel Aviv on the occasion of his 85th birthday.

» Full Text in German

Thomas Ertl, Michael Limberger (Hg.)
Die Welt 1250–1500

Globalgeschichte – Die Welt 1000-2000


ISBN: 978385476-293-5


The World from 1250 to 1500. Global History - The World 1000-2000

In the Late Middle Ages between 1250 and 1500 significant course settings of the modern world history occurred. For example, a global trading system came into being that connected the East of Asia with the Mediterranean area between 1250 and 1350. The trans-Saharan trade permitted the integration of Black Africa into a global trading system. At the same time, Western Europe was seized by trans-border mobility. But the time between 1250 and 1500 was not only a period of growing integration because various crises of the fourteenth century affected the basis of agrarian and commercial production in many areas and thinned out the trading contacts. Not until the fifteenth century a new period of expansion began.

This book is the second volume of an eight-volume global history of the second millennium. »The World 1000-2000« shows how the increasing contact with foreigners has intensified the urge for ethnical identity shaping and cultural demarcation in all societies.

» Full Text in German

Friedrich Hinterberger, Harald Hutterer, Ines Omann, Elisabeth Freytag (Hg.)
Welches Wachstum ist nachhaltig?

Ein Argumentarium


ISBN: 978385476-296-6


Which Growth is Sustainable? An Argumentation

Can economical growth prevent unemployment, increasing poverty, consumption of resources and environmental pollution or is it the causer of these problems? Although the economy is using resources and energy more efficiently than ever, a relief of the global ecosystem can't be observed. On the contrary, the changes of nature caused by humankind are getting worse: climate change, desertification, extinction of species, a constricted ability of assimilation and regeneration of natural systems as well as poverty and migration are the consequences. Despite of growing eco-efficiency humankind produces more and more goods and therefore needs more and more energy. Technological invention alone is not sufficient for the reduction of the consumption of resources. Because of the fear to endanger the economical development these changes are often neglected in the daily political and economical affairs. Selected experts tidy up with this deficiency.

» Full Text in German

Herbert Exenberger
Gleich dem kleinen Häuflein der Makkabäer

Die jüdische Gemeinde in Simmering 1848-1945


ISBN: 978385476-292-8


Similar to the Small Pile of Maccabees. The Jewish Community of Simmering 1848-1945

Comparable with the Jewish memor-books that preserve knowledge of destroyed Jewish communities this book is also a sign of memory. They are the memories of the Jewish community of Simmering (a district of Vienna) from 1848 to 1945.

More than twenty years ago, Exenberger had begun to research on the Jewish population of Simmering. Again and again, he was asked the question: »Were there Jews in Simmering anyway?« Most people thought that Jews in that district were only to be found on the main cemetery of Vienna. Others were convinced that all Jews had been as rich as Rothschild. So, to fight all these questions and opinions was central for Exenberger.

In 1863 the first Jewish temple was founded in Simmering and twelve years later the first Jewish religious school. The Jews of Simmering were small merchants, craftsmen and tradesmen. It was not an orthodox community; the majority went to the temple only on high holidays.

Exenberger's research study is rich of material and furnished with many images. It is an important work of memory culture and makes the history of this Viennese district accesible for a broad public.

» Full Text in German

Alexander Marboe, Andreas Obenaus (Hg.)
Seefahrt und die frühe europäische Expansion


ISBN: 978385476-299-7


Seafaring and the Early European Expansion

Spreading from the Mediterranean region and the northwestern Atlantic, the European naval powers - first of all Portugal and Spain - found their way across the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean and the Pacific, thereby changing the local market and power structures strongly. Now, regions like India, China and Japan could be reached directly by sea routes. This expansion of Europe was achieved by the only available transport device: ships. In the course of the Middle Ages, step by step oceangoing ships were developed. These ships would, in the course of history, be the means by which European culture - including armed forces, traders and clergymen - was brought overseas and by which, ultimately, the area of European dominion was ushered in. The same ships on their way back brought demanded exotic goods to Europe. Without doubt, the role of ships was crucial, concerning the development and influence of Europe during the Early Modern Times.

This book provides an overlook to maritime shipping and helps getting a grasp on what "Europeanisation" really means.

» Full Text in German

Barbara Eichinger, Frank Stern (Hg.)
Film im Sozialismus - die DEFA


ISBN: 978385476-291-1


Film in Socialism - DEFA

It may need many decades until the GDR (East Germany) can reflect itself as a land. Firstly, there still remains a vast field of memories that is now more and more discovered by international research. The memories often mirror in film and therefore the DEFA-Film (East German Film Company) establishes itself as an ideal medium of historiography.

Projections from East and West on East and West hardly represent the individual realities. The occupation with the DEFA-Film, therefore, can help to develop different perspectives of the »life« in former East Germany.

In the year 2009, twenty years after the reunification, the artistic reflection of the remembrance of East Germany differs completely from the one directly after the change. What then was produced and artistically transformed into film by the new generation of directors of the DEFA is today one of the most fascinating virtual sources of this time.

This study gives an overview and a basic introduction into the history of the DEFA. It includes subjects like »Anti- and Antifascism«, »DEFA - International«, »Austrians in the DEFA-Film« as well as articles concerning the most famous DEFA director Konrad Wolf. Besides the scientific articles the book contains interviews with the DEFA director Rainer Simon and the composer and pianist André Asriel and, of course, many illustrations.

» Full Text in German

Ulrike Felber (Hg.)
Auch schon eine Vergangenheit

Gefängnistagebuch und Korrespondenzen von Bruno Kreisky


ISBN: 978385476-294-2


Already Having a Past. The Jail Diary and Correspondence of Bruno Kreisky

»We, the 25-year old, thus already have a past,« summed up Bruno Kreisky after a half year of jail during the Austrian fascism (1933-38). During his time of imprisonment he wrote a diary that hasn't been published before and therefore is an unknown and authentic source of this period of history. On the occasion of the 25th jubilee of the Bruno Kreisky Archive foundation this very personal but also politically interesting text has been prepared for publication. Because of various reasons this book is immensely significant not only in regard to the preservation of the source material. The original of the diary doesn't exist anymore, only a copy is available. Therefore, a sustainable protection for the future is important.

Besides the jail diary, the correspondence of Kreisky of the year 1931 with a social democrat from Berlin as well as letters and secret messages of the time of imprisonment to peoples acting in illegality have been published for the first time.

The transliterated texts are put into context to their contemporary history to gain a highly didactical benefit and reach a wide audience. Hence, this authentic sources bear witness to the 1930s, the radicalisation of society, the end of democracy and the beginning fascism in the political system. The handling of political dissenters, which is also in a globalised society an essential question of the condition of a society, is talked over. Furthermore, the documents reflect strategy and orientation of a specifically political milieu, which is important for the history of the Second Republic of Austria too.

» Full Text in German

Christoph Ransmayr, Franz Hautzinger
Damen & Herren unter Wasser

Klangbuch, gebunden mit 2 CDs


ISBN: 978385476-302-4


Ladies & Gentlemen under Water. An audio book in hardcover with 2 CDs

Is it paradise that awaits us? Or hell? Christoph Ransmayr has dived under water to visit seven ladies & gentlemen. One's paradise, the other's inferno. In his games of narration, which have been published in a loose series since 1997, Christoph Ransmayr puts his picture story in a line-up that he has already presented in speeches, tirades or grilling as variants of a multilayered and pleasurable prose.

This time his stories are accompanied by underwater photos of Manfred Wakolbinger and he tells us of the metamorphosis of seven ladies and gentlemen who are connected through their hydrophobia and who have become marine animals in the deep sea.

In this audio book Ransmayr reads his text himself, and Franz Hautzinger, a famous Austrian musician, has composed and also plays the music for this underwater story.

» Full Text in German

Renata Schmidtkunz
Im Gespräch – Christina von Braun

»In der Geschlechtsordnung zeigt sich das Unbewusste jeder Kultur«


ISBN: 978385476-304-8


A Conversation with Christina von Braun. »The order of sexes reveals the unconscious of a culture«

In 1918 the women in Austria and Germany gained the voting right. They had had to fight long for this right; and a struggle for equality in all areas of life followed. The claims of the early women's movement for »same payment for the same work«, for equal opportunity in profession, the right of education, social codetermination and an outright self-determination have not yet lost their actuality. Newest studies in Austria and Germany have shown that women still earn a third less than men. And women are still underrepresented in politics, science and the upper managements of global corporations.

Christina von Braun, born in 1944 in Rome, is one of the most famous researchers of gender studies in Germany. Her main focus lies on the image and reality of the life of women in all its facets.

In the conversation with Renata Schmidtkunz von Braun who has been professor for cultural studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin since 1996 analyses how the voting right has changed the life of women in the last 90 years.

» Full Text in German

Susanna Germano
Das geglückte Leben



ISBN: 978385476-295-9


The Successful Life. A novel

Rome in the year 2007. The struggle of an old divorced couple over an untidy cellar full with old letters and writings triggers off a story. The adventures and passions of the protagonists unfold in permanently changing scenery and different times.

This second novel of Susanna Germano, inspired by her own life after 1945, ties in with her previous novel »Faust I and Aunt Helene«. Like in that novel the protagonists experience directly their present, in which they are caught up, and have to play their roles in their assumed »correct« life.

» Full Text in German

Christina Köstner, Klaus Voigt (Hg.)
Österreichisches Exil in Italien



ISBN: 978385476-281-2


Austrian Exile in Italy 1938-1945

Italy was a paradox refuge for many thousands of ethnically and politically persecuted people of Austria and other nations that were occupied by the Nazis. Paradox, because officially the Jews were persecuted whereas the impoverished population and the lower clergy showed a cordial helpfulness and moral courage towards all refugees. So they became hopeful and often stayed longer than originally planned. Nevertheless, Italy was for many only a transit country on the way to an uncertain future.

This miscellany contains many articles by exile researchers of Austria, Germany and Italy as well as texts from some expatriates. It also includes reports and extracts from diaries of the time after 1945 with the intention to give a wide-ranging impression of the exilic experiences. They, for example, give accounts of the situation in South Tyrol, Calabria and Bengasi, which was occupied by Italy. Furthermore, this book is a memorial for all those who didn't survive the holocaust. One of the emphasis lies on writers and artists like Hermann Hakel, Franz Theodor Csokor, Maria Likarz-Strauss, Hans Escher, Alexander Sacher-Masoch et alia, who, contrarily to the today's refugees of Africa, were received friendly in Italy at least by the population.

» Full Text in German

Ditha Brickwell
Verletzte Paradiese

Novelle mit farbigen Illustrationen von Linda Wolfsgruber


ISBN: 978385476-289-8


Wounded Paradises. A novella with coloured illustrations by Linda Wolfsgruber

A man and a woman meet in a winegrower's inn on a wineyard facing Vienna: the German manager Hans who has just been discharged and Viktora, a merry Austrian witch.

In a paradisiacal night develops ... a love story? A crime? Or a parable of the crisis of these times? However, Hans and Viktoria entangle in an emotional interplay of life and death. Their thoughts are drifting to one certain question: What's the use of life and how does one commit suicide?

Who will survive and with what perspective for the future?

The novella develops in an ironic easiness, told from two perspectives - and it is illustrated by Linda Wolfsgruber with the same ironic easiness. Subtle images vary thoughts of suicide in cultural history.

» Full Text in German

Peter Feldbauer, Gottfried Liedl
Die islamische Welt 1000 bis 1517

Wirtschaft. Gesellschaft. Staat


ISBN: 978385476-274-4


The Islamic World 1000-1517. Economy. Society. Nation

The Islamic world experienced a flourishing of economy, state administration, military strength and culture until the crisis of the fourteenth century. This study shows that the evaluation of the Islamic world from the millennium to the early sixteenth century as a declining one is false. A special significance, therefore, had the running of an efficient agriculture and the control of the long-distance trade. From the Mediterranean to China, but also through the Sahara the traders went with their caravans, from the Red Sea to the Persian Gulf numberless ships with European and Middle Eastern goods cleared the port to the Indian Ocean. Sometimes the period between 1250 and 1340 is also seen as a period with a pre-modern world system or of proto-globalisation.

The disastrous waves of plague in the fourteenth century ruptured together with various crises of economy and politic the fortunate development. Economical prosperity, national stability and military strength at the beginning of the sixteenth century impressively demonstrate how far away the final decline of the Islamic societies had been.

» Full Text in German

Bernd Hausberger (Hg.)
Die Welt im 17. Jahrhundert

Globalgeschichte - Die Welt 1000-2000


ISBN: 978385476-267-6


The World in the 17th Century. Global History - The World 1000-2000

If one understands the global history as an history of trans-border interactions then the seventeenth century was in essence the heir of the sixteenth century. The networks of relation and interaction that had emerged out of the groundbreaking Iberian expansion and that for the first time in history had encompassed the whole globe were further used and transformed, intensified but also thinned out.

The seventeenth century was also a period of crisis with its demographical catastrophes, famines, rebellions and civil wars. Summed up, the seventeenth century is also part of the long epoch of proto-globalisation that strongly pushed on the development and prepared the next phase of European colonial rule.

This book is part of an eight-volume global history of the second millennium. »The World 1000-2000« shows how the increasing contact with foreigners has intensified the urge for ethnical identity shaping and cultural demarcation in all societies.

» Full Text in German

Evelyn Steinthaler
Jüdisches London


ISBN: 978385476-286-7


Jewish London. A city guide

Not only London's East End is a place rich of Jewish history. Although the Jews have all the time been only a small part of the urban population they have coined the social life of London decidedly, what demonstrates this new volume of Mandelbaum's city guides by means of many stories and anecdotes.

»I have seen the strangest things that the world can show the wondering mind, I have seen it and I still wonder - in my memory this stony wood of houses and the pestering stream of living human faces with all their variegated passions, their atrocious hurry of love, hunger and hatred is still alive - I speak from London,« wrote Heinrich Heine, in his »Travel Pictures« of the late 1820s. Like Heine many European Jews were fascinated by the British metropolis, but the grander part didn't become acquainted with London through travelling, but instead had to find its new home in this cosmopolitan city.

The time travel through Jewish London begins with the first Jewish immigrants of the Year 1070 and ends with the refugees from German, Austria and the occupied Europe of the 1930s and 1940s. Also the international role of London through the Palestinian mandate after the First World War till the founding of Israel is discussed.

A part of the city guide contains many addresses that give information to the Jewish daily life of the present.

Travelling with Mandelbaum – Jewish Europe city guides: These guides offer historical and practical information on past and present Jewish life in European cities together with cultural pointers and the stories behind the visible world. They also contain addresses, photos and maps to illustrate the past and Jewish life today. Guides on Vienna, Budapest, Prague and Amsterdam have already been published.

» Full Text in German

Friedrich Strassegger
Goldsteins Geständnis



ISBN: 978385476-287-4


Goldstein`s Confession. A novel

The successfull Jewish businessman Daniel Goldstein, born as Hermann Westermayer and former SS-man, is spending a quiet holiday in Eilat, when one day a letter arrives. The blackmailer addresses him as "Sturmscharführer Westermayer" and thus the lie of a lifetime shatters to pieces. Westermayer takes care of the dangerous situation by searching and killing the man who poses such a threat to him.

In the course of the following events Goldstein/Westermayer goes to prison and tells the unbelievable story of his life to a fellow prisoner.

In an exciting and entertaining way Friedrich Strassegger tells the tale of his dubious hero, whose life is based on a true story.

» Full Text in German

Renata Schmidtkunz
Im Gespräch – Ruth Klüger


ISBN: 978385476-284-3


A Conversation with Ruth Klüger

»I do not come from Auschwitz - I hail from Vienna.« - This is one of the most prominent sentences of the literary scholar Ruth Klüger. In 1931, she was born in Vienna. Her childhood was short and aggrieved. After the 1938 annexation of Austria into Greater Germany by the Nazi regime her father, a prominent gynaecologist, fled. Only years later Klüger discovered that he had been captured in France and deported to an extermination camp in Poland. Her brother was killed when he was only 14 years old. Klüger and her mother survived three concentration camps: Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Christianstadt. From the last they could flee in February 1945. Two years later they immigrated into the USA. Klüger studied German language and literature and lectured at the Universities of Princeton, Göttingen and Berkeley. In 1988, she wrote down her memories in the well-known book »Weiter leben. Eine Jugend/Landscapes of Memory: A Holocaust Girlhood Remembered«.

In the conversation with Renata Schmidtkunz Ruth Klüger speaks about her childhood in anti-Semitic Vienna of the 1930s and her years in the concentration camps. And why she immigrated into the USA and not to Israel. Klüger shows unemotionally how her childhood experiences still influence her present life and reveals why she has never lost her love of the German language.

» Full Text in German

Renata Schmidtkunz
Im Gespräch – Peter Ustinov


ISBN: 978385476-283-6


A Conversation with Peter Ustinov

Sir Peter Alexander Baron von Ustinov (1921-2004) was one of the most prominent actors of the 20th century and a many-sided artist. Ustinov gained international fame as character actor in numberless Hollywood films and also worked as director, producer, opera director and dramatist. In 1968, Ustinov, a decided pacifist, was nominated a special ambassador of the UNICEF. Furthermore, he was chancellor of the English University Durham for many years and received various honours, for instance two Oscars. The last years of his life he devoted to his engagement for the overcoming of prejudices. Through his initiative the Sir Peter Ustinov Institute for the Research and Combat of Prejudices was founded in Vienna in 2003.

In the conversation with Renata Schmidtkunz Peter Ustinov speaks amusingly and affectively about his life as artist. He informs us about his origin, the responsibility of a world-wide known artist and his engagement as supporter of human rights organisations.

» Full Text in German

Sabine Schlüter, Christine Diercks (Hg.)
Die großen Krankengeschichten

Sigmund Freud-Vorlesungen 2006


ISBN: 978385476-271-3


The Great Medical Histories. Sigmund Freud-Lectures 2006

Case studies mark the beginning of psychoanalysis in the late nineteenth century. Out of the talks with and therapies for patients of whom some have become famous emerged theory and method of psychoanalysis. In his first years Freud worked tightly together with Josef Breuer. Him and his patient Anna O. Freud owes his first and crucial discoveries, which were the basis of his research and, therefore, psychoanalysis.

The Sigmund Freud-Lectures of 2006 put these first case studies into the centre, because out of them the development of psychoanalysis can be retraced and understand well. The case studies are historically contextualised to show their significance not only for the development of psychoanalysis but also for the contemporary praxis.

At the beginning stands the famous case study of Anna O., Bertha Pappenheim, whom the psychoanalysis owes very much.

The Viennese Psychoanalytical Academy publishes regularly scholarly studies that are not only for psychoanalysts or researchers but also for everyone who is interested in this subject.

With papers by H. Ch. Ehalt, M. Schwinghammer, R. Gross, A. Springer, B. Reiter, A. Bronner, G. Oberlechner, P. Pörscht, ­M. Huber, G. Wolfgruber, P. Skriboth, E. Fidal, Ch. Diercks und M. Springer-Kremser.

» Full Text in German

Hilde Schmölzer
Das böse Wien der Sechziger

Gespräche und Fotos


ISBN: 978385476-285-0


The Mad Vienna of the 1960s. Conversations and Photographs

It was a revolutionary art, a furious art, resulting from the frustrations of the 1950s. An angry sweeping blow at everything that was established, bourgeois, satisfied and contented.

There was the movement of 1968 with its euphoric mood, the belief in a new freedom and more emancipation. In Vienna this mood was especially represented in art.

It was this »mad Vienna« that fascinated Hilde Schmölzer, a journalist and photographer, who was also moved then by the new ideas for the renewal of the world, and what has stirred her to publish this book to give the artists a voice.

The title of the book names a cliché, a myth, but in every case it offers an applicable formula of the social and mental situation in this city. What makes the interviews with the artists and the photos that appealing is the successful trapping of the zeitgeist. They cover the time from 1964 to 1972, some of the photos have been published for the first time.

Conversations with and photos of H.C. Artmann | Christian Ludwig Attersee | Wolfgang Bauer | Gerhard Bronner | Günter Brus | Valie Export | Reinhold Federmann | Ernst Fuchs | Rudolf Hausner | Alfred Hrdlicka | Lotte Ingrisch | Michael Kehlmann | Georg Kreisler | Kurt Kren | Peter Kubelka | Helmut Leherb | Carl Merz | Otto Muehl | Hermann Nitsch | Peter Patzak | Helmut Qualtinger | Arnulf Rainer | Franz Ringel | Gerhard Rühm | Peter Turrini | Peter Weibel

» Full Text in German

Robert Lessmann
Die kleinen Menschen, die große Lasten tragen


ISBN: 978385476-263-8


Small People Carrying Great Loads

Imagine: You carry loads of thirty kilos or even more the whole day in all weathers, at great heights, in rough terrain, sometimes only with flip-flops and a plastic film as protection against wind, rain or snow. If you earn five dollars per day with free meal and accommodation you are really well-paid and you are working for a trekking team and you get furthermore tips and donations of food and clothes. Those carriers who supply the villages with goods have a much worse life. They earn the half and don't get any extras.

Within living memory the trade in the Himalaya and in the Andes is done on small pathways either by pack animals, llamas or yaks, or by carriers who work besides their farming. The taste of freedom and adventure - far away from family duties - has its charm, but loneliness, alcohol, gambling and AIDS are the possible negative sides.

In former times a second job, it becomes more and more the main source of income because of the increasing population and the crisis of agriculture. Tourism makes it possible! Because tourism creates the demand. The carriers often work seasonally and come from outwards to the working area. So it is not easy to form any organisations and therefore they are unprotected victims of the market laws. In Nepal the loads have at least thirty kilos...

» Full Text in German

Marcus G. Patka (Hg.)
Lexikon jüdischer Sportler in Wien



ISBN: 978385476-265-2


Encyclopaedia of Jewish Athletes in Vienna 1900-1938

At the beginning of the twentieth century emerged a claim for physical training within the Zionist movement on the basis of Max Nordau's dictum of the »Muskeljudentum/Jewishness of Muscles«. The target was to win a new bodily self-confidence but also to defend anti-Semitism.

Because of Aryan acts - often unofficially - Jews were more and more excluded from sports and gymnastic clubs. Therefore, various Jewish sports clubs came into being. One of the most famous was the »Hakoah« (Hebrew for »strength«), founded in Vienna in 1909. It had the categories soccer, swimming, tennis, wrestling, water polo, athletics, skiing, handball, chess and many more until 1938. Numerous top athletes from this sports club participated in international competitions or matches.

Ignaz Hermann Körner, the long-time head of this sports club, devoted his encyclopaedia, which he wrote out of his memories, not only to the »Hakoah« but also to other Jewish athletes.

It contains numberless details and anecdotes, titles and records from Jewish top athletes. The reader gains insight into the hardly recorded Austrian sports history of the first half of the twentieth century. The glorious time of the»Hakoah« and of Jewish sport in Vienna awakens to life by the means of many images.

The book was published in 2008, accompanying the exhibition 100 years »Hakoah« in the Jewish Museum of Vienna (4th June to 7th September 2008).

» Full Text in German

Peter Feldbauer, Jean-Paul Lehners (Hg.)
Die Welt im 16. Jahrhundert

Die Welt 1000-2000


ISBN: 978385476-266-9


The World in the 16th Century. Global History - The World 1000-2000

Long before the turn of the millennium and until the fifteenth century Europe was part but not centre of an Eurasian network of communication that was intensified especially under the notion of Pax Mongolica between 1250 and 1350. Then, the beginning maritime expansion of the Portuguese and the Spanish widened the existing networks and America was for the first time included in it; thus, the face of the world changed enormously. Why this great expansion of the fifteenth century had its origin in Western Europe and not in China or in the Islamic Mediterranean Area is still a not completely answered question of a globally oriented historical science.

The papers of this miscellany present a sketch of that global historical period, which is often seen as the beginning phase of the »Europeanisation« of the world or of the »European world system«.

This book is part of an eight-volume global history of the second millennium. »The World 1000-2000« shows how the increasing contact with foreigners has intensified the urge for ethnical identity shaping and cultural demarcation in all societies.

» Full Text in German

Jens Kastner, David Mayer
Weltwende 1968?

Ein Jahr aus globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive


ISBN: 978385476-257-7


1968 as Global Turning Point? A Year Considered from a Global Historical Perspective

The German speaking researchers of contemporary and social history have for a long time reduced the interpretations of the global incidents of 1968 to certain social groups within a national frame. Therefore, one has spoken of »students' uprisings« or of »generation conflict«.

But forty years later there is the possibility for a new interpretation. On the basis of Immanuel Wallerstein's thesis of a world revolution of 1968 the historical discussions of the last years offer the occasion to ask certain questions. Was the year 1968 or the period 1965-73 really a global turning point?

»Myth, code and turning point« (Kraushaar) of 1968 are being discussed anew with a global historical perspective. The first aim of this book is to widen the limited view of the global economic crisis of this time (end of »fordism«, beginning of the first grand crisis since 1948, oil crisis). Secondly, it wants to give the non-student movements - especially the struggles of the labourers that were led not only in France and Italy, as well as the new women's movement - more regard.

Then, the changes and mobilisations in the so called Third World, but also in the formerly existent Second World of the real socialism are brought into the focus.

» Full Text in German

Thomas Soxberger (Hg.)
Nackte Lieder

Jiddische Literatur aus Wien 1915-1938


ISBN: 978385476-253-9


Bald Songs. The Yiddish Literature of Vienna 1915-1938

This anthology assembles urban Yiddish literature from the beginning of the twentieth century.

»And that what I have to tell you, is not mere wish-wash, but I want to colour for you with simple words the parody that portrays your live and, unfortunately, also ours ,« wrote Mosche Silburg, one of the authors of this anthology.

The authors often hailed from Galicia, but spent the grand part of their life in interwar Vienna. The scope of literary styles comprises the late Galician enlightenment, neo-romanticism, naturalism, expressionism and the »proletarian« urban literature of the 1920s and 1930s.

The selected poems, short stories and prose offer a cross section which illustrates perfectly the developments of Yiddish interwar literature. They broach the issue of the material, political and moral problems of this time in stylistically and formally different ways.

Thomas Soxberger has translated the texts by David J. Silberbusch, Schmuel Jakob Imber, Melech Rawicz, Abraham Mosche Fuchs, Mosche Silburg et alia into German. Therewith, he makes accessible the killed, displaced or forgotten authors for a German speaking audience.

» Full Text in German

Feministisches Kollektiv (Hg.)
Street Harassment

Machtprozesse und Raumproduktion


ISBN: 978385476-237-9


Street Harassment. Processes of Power and Spatial Production

Women get over anxiety rooms and offer a scientific-artistic approach to the phenomenon »street harassment«, the harassment of women in public spaces. The book comprises the structures that are the basis of this form of women's discrimination, the public space as location of street harassment and definite approaches and problems which are related to practice.

Furthermore, the role of social normalisation is questioned critically and forms of discrimination like homophobia and racism are analysed in this context.

Street harassment as a symptom of social discrimination of women is analysed via different methodological approaches. The variety of those methods and theories that are presented in the contributions offer points of contact for everyone - scientifically as well as personally.

The authors from Germany, Austria, Turkey and Ukraine build with their texts on a European conference that took place in 2006 in Vienna with the title »Street Harassment - Power in Public Space« and had been organised by the self-governed department for women's affairs of the Austrian Students' Union (ÖH).

Papers by, for example: Ellen Bareis, Ruth Becker, Gudrun Hauer, Petra M. Springer, Olena Prykhodko, Tugba Terek et alia.

» Full Text in German

Fritz Keller
Wien, Mai ´68

Eine heiße Viertelstunde


ISBN: 978385476-255-3


Vienna, May '68. A Hot Quarter of an Hour

A hot quarter of an hour? Today, the New Left has already become history without being historically analysed.

What happened in Vienna as the publishing houses of the Springer Group in West Germany were burning and the German students were building barricades in the Latin Quarters?

Unbelievable, but 1968 was also in Vienna a time of upheaval. Many Problems that haven't been resolved for years because of the social dominating powers then couldn't be delayed any more. As a reaction a wide protest movement particularly including students emerged .

But why did the New Left in Austria remain that weak and which influence did the artistic underground have? How did it come to the »Leninisation« of grand parts of the student movement? What were the consequences of the New Left and did connections between the student revolt and the new social movements exist?

This scholarly work tries to give answers to these important questions. It wants to make a contribution to the development of a consciousness of continuity within the left and alternative movement. Some of the central problems the 68's movement was confronted with are today arising again and therefore the solutions found by the former activists deserve it to be included into the actual debates.

With an afterword by Rolf Schwendter.

» Full Text in German

Beatrix Müller-Kampel
Jakob Wassermann

Eine biographische Collage


ISBN: 978385476-215-7


Jakob Wassermann - A Biographical Collage

Famous German author Heinrich Mann once praised Jakob Wassermann: "If the art of writing a novel had not yet been invented, Wassermann would have been the man to do just that." With essays, poems and novels like "Der Fall Maurizius/ The Case of Maurizius" or "Die Juden von Zirndorf/ The Jews from Zirndorf" and his autobiography "Mein Weg als Deutscher und Jude/My Life as German and Jew" Jakob Wassermann, born 1837 as the son of a failed Jewish businessman in poor surroundings, achieved considerable fame. Unfortunately, the life and work of this extraordinary artist has sunken into oblivion. This biography is dedicated to him.

The main part of this book is chronologically built on autobiographical sayings, various other opinions and texts by and about Wassermann. The poet, the author, the German, the Jew, the lover, the father - different facets of one life explored through private and public opinions, of the people who were central to life and literary effect of Jakob Wasserman: The publishing houses in Berlin, as well as friends of the "Wiener Moderne " like Hugo von Hofmannshal and Arthur Schnitzler. This is a biography as well as a genrepicture of the literary elite in the 1910/20´s and includes a directory of persons with literary impact and their relations. Additionally there are a lot of photographies.

» Full Text in German

Hans Tietze
Die Juden Wiens

Geschichte, Wirtschaft, Kultur


ISBN: 978385476-221-8


The Jews of Vienna. History, Economy, Culture

»To recognise what Vienna has signified for them and they for Vienna and therewith to illustrate the singularity of this piece of Vienna and this piece of West European Jewry« was Hans Tietze's aim with this book.

Firstly published on the eve of World War Two it is a brilliantly written compendium, which is still a fundamental work for the history of the Viennese Jews from the middle Ages to the 1930s.

Hans Tietze came from the Viennese school of art history and traced his whole life according to the principles of his great teachers the coherences of art history and history of ideas. And as such he wanted to have understood his book about the Jews of Vienna, as he portrayed their history as a constitutive element of the urban history.

He did this for a professional audience as well as for the interested public in an entertaining and intelligible style and he used his admirable abundance of knowledge and information.

The new edition of this fundamental work with original illustrations of the first edition is a tribute to this great and wrongly forgotten scholar and to a work, whose significance is still alive.

» Full Text in German

Jan Stoutenbeek, Paul Vigeveno
Jüdisches Amsterdam


ISBN: 978385476-183-9


Jewish Amsterdam. A city guide

Take a look around Amsterdam - it won't be long before you notice a building adorned with a Star of David, a cafe selling kosher sandwiches or one of the many monumental buildings with a Jewish past, ranging from synagogues to imposing diamond factories. For the past 400 years this city has been home to Jews who have played an increasingly active part in its activities.

This book leads you from place to place, from the Old Jewish Quarter through Amsterdam's historical heart to the neighbourhoods where most Jews live today. The authors guide you on the way with anecdotes, amusing snippets, and quotes from well known authors. Richly illustrated with photographs, this book mingles past and present to offer you a fresh look at Jewish Amsterdam.

Travelling with Mandelbaum – Jewish Europe city guides: These guides offer historical and practical information on past and present Jewish life in European cities together with cultural pointers and the stories behind the visible world. They also contain addresses, photos and maps to illustrate the past and Jewish life today. Guides on Vienna, Budapest and Prague have already been published.

» Full Text in German

ALAKUS, Baris / KNIEFACZ, Katharina / REISINGER, Werner (Hg.)

Mythos und Wirkung des Ernesto Guevara


ISBN: 978385476-227-0


Chevolution. Myth and Impact of Ernesto Guevara

Who was »Ché« really? Many publications have dealt with the person Ernesto Guevara since his death in 1967 and analysed his role as freedom fighter, politician and utopian in Latin America and Africa. In the 1970s also in the German-speaking countries various studies were published, his ideology and theory picked up by different authors.

But what is the significance of him today? Which role plays the »posterboy«, which one the politician and person Guevara? What are the historical and theoretical connections of the myth, life and impact of »Ché«? Which place does his political impacts and his legacy find in the European Left?

This study tries to comprise the biography of Guevara, his »appearance« in 1968, the transformation of the myth, his depoliticisation and commercialisation in the presence.

It seems to be time to analyse one of the central protagonists of the once so symbolical Cuban revolution in the historical context and to dare the try to deconstruct those differently mythological dimensions that constitute Guevara's popularity in the today's youth and consumption culture.

» Full Text in German

Hannes Metzler
Ehrlos für immer?

Die Rehabilitierung der Wehrmachtsdeserteure in Deutschland und Österreich


ISBN: 978385476-218-8


Dishonoured Forever? - Rehabilitation of Wehrmacht Deserters

Deserters of the Wehrmacht (German Armed Forces) were not discussed in Germany and Austria for decades. Their refusal to join in Hitler's crusade of death had not been worth of any positive notice in postwar German and Austrian society and memory. On the contrary, they were faced with accusations for "backstabbing comrades and fatherland." It was not until the 90s that people "woke up" and got active. Representatives of science, politics and media demanded and succeeded in achieving a decriminalisation and lawful rehabilitation for the former deserters.

But how was it possible to change public and political opinion like that? How much resistance had to be overcome? Who were the opponents? Hannes Metzler's analysis shows clearly how the answers of those questions in Austria differs from the answers in Germany. Additionally, there is an excursus about Luxembourg, proving how a different way of thinking towards deserters is possible.

» Full Text in German

Tatiana Y. Silla
Triestiner Kulinarium

Mit 150 Rezepten


ISBN: 978385476-204-1


The Cuisine of Trieste. With 150 recipes

Trieste is steeped in the odour of cinnamon, vanilla and chocolate and the city sets a high value at keeping alive a sort of olfactory collective memory, so as if one could only feel as a real inhabitant of Trieste because of these odours and tastes.

In the here collected recipes of the Friulian cuisine, which is the result of new cooking methods from various traditions, one can differentiate at least three layers: The first layer is the legacy of the traditional cuisine of the karst and the neighbouring Slovenian and Istrian regions. The second is the bourgeois cuisine which was introduced by the families of the officials and militaries of the Hapsburg monarchy, but also by important traders of Dalmatia, Greek and Turkey. The third layer, finally, is the legacy of an enormously demanding international cuisine, fostered at the ships of the Austrian Lloyds.

Tatiana Silla has not only collected recipes as examples of the plurality of the cuisine, but also literary travel accounts, feuilletons and letters of Trieste from Sigmund Freud to James Joyce.

It seems to be a paradox to speak of something typical Friulian not only from the culinary perspective but also from the literary one. But it is a cuisine essentially coined by the mixture of the various influences.

» Full Text in German

STERN, Frank / KÖHNE, Julia B. / MOSER, Karin / BALLHAUSEN, Thomas / EICHINGER, Barbara (Hg.)
Filmische Gedächtnisse

Geschichte - Archiv - Riss


ISBN: 978385476-223-2


Filmic Memories. History - Archive - Tear

Film is memory in a vivid visual form. The visual culture coins as never before our mode of perception, the visual memory of the past, the conscience of present and our visions of future.

Perhaps no other medium is more touchingly and comprehensive than film, but no other is so extremely threatened by decay.

With an eye toward international filmmaking in its historical contexts this miscellany deals with the film history, memory, preservation and restoration. This involves film as art and cultural interference with contemporary public and scholarly discourses as well as institutions like film archives, festivals, retrospectives, television stations and their analysis from an analytical perspective.

Besides preservation the miscellany also engages in moments of destruction, disturbance, image loss, censure, image noise and film tear. It collects texts of international scholars and scholars of history, contemporary history, cultural history, theory of film, media and documentary as well as Western film market and archivistics.

» Full Text in German

Elisabeth Nöstlinger, Ulrike Schmitzer
Susan Sontag

Intellektuelle aus Leidenschaft. Eine Einführung


ISBN: 978385476-201-0


Susan Sontag. A Passionate Intellectual. An Introduction

For Susan Sontag a writer was »someone who is interested in everything«. This mission she obeyed with her great commitment to literature, art, film and politics. The introductory essays to her work attend to these different aspects.

Ulrike Schmitzer presents the »flagship intellectual« as a political thinker, art theoretician and writer. As grande dame of New York's left-liberal intellectuals Susan Sontag was one of the keenest critics of George Bush, combative human rights campaigner, cult figure, iconic figure and diva. She was bestowed with titles like »high priestess of the avant-garde«, »premier pop star of literary criticism« or »Mona Lisa of the cosmopolite intelligence«. As a champion of self-dramatisation she repeatedly invented herself anew: »She likes to think of herself as ›self-invented‹, sui generis«, writes her biographer Carl Rollyson. With her writings she has made Benjamin, Canetti and Barthes known in America.

» Full Text in German

Globale Lebensläufe

Menschen als Akteure im weltgeschichtlichen Geschehen


ISBN: 978385476-197-6


Global Life Careers. Humans as Agents of World-Historical Events.

The founding thesis of this book is that phenomena and effects of globalisation can only be displayed in the individual. Therefore, eight »global« life careers are presented and analysed here. The reconstruction of such curricula vitae has besides the illustration and insight an intrinsic value. The effects of globalisation, the loss or (re-)construction of traditions and of the dissolution of boundaries or the at least rigorous broadening of the environment for the individual is addressed and the question formulated, if besides the history of globalisation of capital flows or of the world trade the history of the globalisation of human as a social, cultural and mental being is not possible or even necessary. This approach raises questions of the relations of society and individual or the structure and incidents. This miscellany tries to open the access to this complex but also promising field of research.

Presented are, for example, the curricula vitae of:

Leo Africanus, who was born at the end of the fifteenth century in Granada, grew up in Morocco, was brought to Italy as a slave, travelled through Europe after gaining his freedom and wrote a basic work about Africa.

Elisa Alicia Lynch, born 1835 in Ireland, who lived on four continents and is considered to be the most famous and controversial woman in the history of Paraguay.

Leo Katz, born 1892 in the Bukovina, who studied in Vienna, was member of the Communist party of Austria, editor of the foreign desk and the feuilleton and afterwards writer in the USA, France, Germany, Mexico, 1936-38 purchaser of arms for the Spanish republic and who died 1954 in Vienna.

Furthermore, the reader will find the detailed curricula vitae of Rabindranath Tagore, Kurt Singer, Eusebio Francisco Kino and Olaudah Equiano.

Although these biographies are very different they have one thing in common: a high geographical mobility and the transgression of political, cultural or religious borders. The interactive efforts of communication and assimilation they all experienced along their ways permit to make a connection to the keyword »globalisation«.

» Full Text in German

Clemens Six
Hindi – Hindu – Hindustan

Politik und Religion im modernen Indien


ISBN: 978385476-212-6


Hindi - Hindu - Hindustan. Politics and Religion in Modern India

The future of the nuclear power India is considered to be a confident one. A quickly growing urban middle and upper class manages not only to position itself as an attractive market but also as an active player in the processes of globalisation and therefore as an important political force. This paradigma shift from the once sleeping elephant to the agile pachyderm of international relations has triggered off a big change within India that also affects its national identity. India strikes out to search its identity and issues therewith the question of the relation of politics and religion, which has already been considered more than once and always answered differently. Because of the strong presence of religion as a decisive factor of social reality the determination of this relation has a central meaning.

This study tries to trace the historical lines of the different relations of politic and religion in India and to open up the enormous dynamic of this field by the means of selected examples, from the religious nationalism of the independent struggles to the religious terrorism of the present day. The historical case studies of the colonial period and the recent past are an important contribution to the understanding of the internal developments of a nation that will have in the future an important role for Europe because of its increasing significance.

» Full Text in German

EHLERS, Heinrich / SEGAL, Talma / TALMI, Arie (Hg.)
Haschomer Hazair

Ein Nest verwundeter Kinderseelen


ISBN: 978385476-198-3


Haschomer Hazair - A Safe Haven for Wounded Souls

The Jewish youth movement Haschomer Hazair, founded in Vienna in the dawn of World War One, has a particular significance among the countless youth organisations across the world. It accomplished a lot for Jewish people, including the buildup of the state of Israel. The specific educational activities and the uncomparable atmosphere inside the movement brought about a close contact among the members, independently of age and place of living. An extraordinary chapter of the Haschomer Hazair history was of course the time after World War Two, when survivors and emigrants were surging back to Austria. They grieved for murdered and missed family members, were undernourished and often sick, yet they immediately started to build the Haschomer Hazari up again in Vienna.

In over 40 articles the authors of that generation share their memories, soberly and fascinating as well as shocking. The text with numerous photographs is a first class historical document of an unwritten piece of Jewish history in Vienna.

» Full Text in German

PAWLOWSKY, Verena / WENDELIN, Harald (Hg.)
Ausgeschlossen und entrechtet


ISBN: 978385476-192-1


Excluded and Disfranchised. Deprivation and Restitution - Austria from 1938 until Today

This volume of the series »Deprivation and Restitution - Austria from 1938 until Today« presents by the means of selected examples the discriminating policy that preceded displacement and murder of those groups that were excluded from the »greater German ethnic community«.

First of all to mention are anti-Jewish sanctions like the prohibition of profession, the deprivation of chattels and properties (»Jewish« landed property in Vienna between strategies of Aryanisation and processes of restitution) as well as the deprivation of the citizenship (»Logic of the blood« - the Nuremberg laws and citizenship).

The volume furthermore collects papers that deal with other marginalised groups. On the one hand they focus on the definite persecution and deportation of affected people (Romani people, political persecutees, homosexuals). On the other hand it shows that deprivation of asset was above all the deprivation of immaterial values like language in the case of the Corinthian Slovenes or the possibilities of education in the case of the Romani people in Burgenland.

This study is the fourth volume of the four-volume series »Raub und Rückgabe. Österreich von 1938 bis heute/Deprivation and Restitution. Austria from 1938 until Today«, which presents compactly and exemplarily the subjects »Aryanization«, expropriation and restitution that were analysed by the Austrian Commission of History.

» Full Text in German

ALAKUS, Baris / KNIEFACZ, Katharina / VORBERG, Robert (Hg.)

in nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslagern


ISBN: 978385476-205-8


Forced Sex Work in the Concentration Camps of the Nazis

This study broaches the issue of sexual violence during the regime of the Nazis. While officially persecuting street prostitution, brothel systems were developed inside the concentration camps. This was due to a functional change of the camps. Around 1941 the prisoners were expected to work effectively in service of the arms industry. For this purpose the SS established a reward system for those who were characterized by extraordinary effort etc., and the best privilege to be earned was a visit at the camp brothel. Consequently, female prisoners were used as sex workers in numerous camps. The publishers describe development, function and general setup of this further cruel dimension of the Nazi regime.

» Full Text in German

ATTAC,  (Hg.)
Zwischen Konkurrenz und Kooperation

Analysen und Alternativen zum Standortwettbewerb


ISBN: 978385476-190-7


Between Competition and Cooperation. Analyses and Alternatives for Regional Competition

The factor of location, which is followed by competition of the economic agents, develops increasingly to the nearly sole keynote of political acting on global, regional and local level. The pressure of the regional competition is an enormous one, its neglecting seems unbelievable.

Possibilities of cooperative encounters fade into the background and the omnipresent rhetoric of competition nurtures this hegemonic consent.

The miscellany tries to reveal the phenomenon of regional competition as a neo-liberal construction und to show its very real effects and implementations.

A series of different approaches presents clearly that it is only a supposed constraint and that there are alternatives anyway.

» Full Text in German

Heinz Lunzer, Viktoria Lunzer-Talós, Marcus G. Patka
»Was wir umbringen«

›Die Fackel‹ von Karl Kraus


ISBN: 978385476-203-4


»Die Fackel« by Karl Kraus

»One day, as far as the eye can reach, everything - red. ... In the streets, the tramways, the parks, all people reading a red magazine...!« Robert Scheu in 1909

Hundred years ago the bright red of Karl Kraus' newly founded magazine »Die Fackel« flashed everywhere in Vienna. It was at the same time highly adored and extremely hated for its concentrated aggressiveness, the dissecting and sharp judgements, the high language arts and the implacability of the moral claim.

The »Fackel« commented trenchantly till the death of the editor politics, society, culture and intellectual trends from the turn of the century to the decline of the First Austrian Republic.

This book unites essays of prestigious Kraus researches about the intellectual and personal cosmos of the »Fackel«, accompanied by more than 250 images of Karl Kraus, his contemporaries, his writings and Kraus' places of action, which are here published for the first time in such a scope.

With papers by Hermann Böhm, Kurt Krolop, Leo A. Lensing, Heinz Lunzer, Victoria Lunzer-Talos, Marcus G. Patka, Sigurd Paul Scheichl and Tina Walzer.

» Full Text in German

Traude Veran
Das steinerne Archiv

Der Wiener jüdische Friedhof in der Rossau


ISBN: 978385476-176-1


The Tomb of Knowledge - A Jewish Graveyard in Vienna

The oldest cemetery in Vienna is a Jewish one; from a historical and cultural perspective a unique monument, an archiv of stones with lots of stories waiting to be told. The book invites the reader to take a stroll at the cemetery, hear the tales of the dead through elaborate epitaphs and hence the 800 years of Jewish history in Vienna. The book includes a documentation of all conserved grave stones that go back to the 13th century as well as pictures and sketches.

» Full Text in German

Birgit Englert, Ingeborg Grau, Andrea Komlosy (Hg.)

Kolonialismen und Ansätze zu ihrer Überwindung


ISBN: 978385476-170-9


North-South Relations. Colonialisms and Approaches for their Conquest

»North-south relations« are at the same time an established and misleading term for the unequal international division of labour that has coined the world at least since the overseas expansion of European seafarer, trader and missionaries. »North« represents the bearer and agents of European expansion, »south« the people concerned in Latin America, Asia and Africa. To label this dependency and the colonial occupation as »north-south relations« is to obfuscate the power structure that is the basis of the colonial expansion.

To mention and reveal the concealed power relations looses north-south from its geographical placing and transforms it into the embodiment of a relation of domination and dependence that founds on and produces inequality. This is demonstrated by history not only between the European colonial powers and the South, but also the relation of the European great powers to the inner colonies in South and Eastern Europe. »North-south relations«, therefore, are to be found globally and locally everywhere and on every spatial level.

» Full Text in German

Ditha Brickwell



ISBN: 978385476-026-9


Summer of Fear. A novel

The border between Upper and Lower Austria, no man´s land, late April in 1945: Sepp comes to a village, with a coffin in his carriage. He is closely watched by the farmer children Karl and his sister Theres. Very soon rumour is out that something alive is kept in the coffin. Indeed, in the cemetery chapel, Sepp frees a man...

This is a multilayered novel about guilt and love: The time at the end of the Second World War is evoked in the reader`s mind through amusing, quiet and also gruesome scenes.

» Full Text in German

Sandra Wiesinger-Stock, Erika Weinzierl, Konstantin Kaiser (Hg.)
Vom Weggehen

Zum Exil von Kunst und Wissenschaft


ISBN: 978385476-182-2


From Depature. Art and Science in Exile

More than 135.000 Austrians experienced exile because of the political and racial persecutions of the National Socialists.

Scholars of all disciplines have dealt with the causes and effects of a return or non-return to Austria. Which disruptions and losses have the displaced and their homeland suffered? Differentiated analyses make an important contribution to the social and science history and illustrate vividly the loss of intellectual capital in Austria. An enumeration of the displaced scholars and artists reads like a who is who of research, science and culture including many famous names that demonstrate the transfer of knowledge between cultures.

Crucial for the culture of exile is the conscience of the collapse of the living space and the penetration of political violence into the aesthetical reflection. Trough the capture of approaches that were destroyed by the National Socialism and the experience of crises the culture of exile denounces wrong continuities and missed discontinuities.

Further information:

» Full Text in German

PAWLOWSKY, Verena / WENDELIN, Harald (Hg.)
Enteignete Kunst


ISBN: 978385476-185-3


Art in the Grip of the Nazis - Deprivation and Restitution. Austria from 1938 until Today

In the 1990's, the right of restitution for the children and grandchildren of the victims of World War Two was vividly discussed in the media. The ensuing public reaction "coaxed" numerous institutions like the Austrian National Library and the museums of Vienna towards searching through their archives for exhibits of doubtable or "problematic" origin. This book offers an overview of the developments of art restitution since 1945. The authors have reconstructed the history of singular famous paintings (f.ex. by Klimt, Schiele, Munch) as well as the overall political and legal situation. It becomes clear that despite recent initiatives not all questions are solved. Moreover, the reader learns of the circumstances under which the Nazi-system encroached on the art trade.

This study is the third volume of the four-volume series »Raub und Rückgabe. Österreich von 1938 bis heute/Deprivation and Restitution. Austria from 1938 until Today«, which presents compactly and exemplarily the subjects »Aryanization«, expropriation and restitution that were analysed by the Austrian Commission of History.

» Full Text in German

Bea Gomes, Irmi Maral-Hanak, Walter Schicho

Akteure, Handlungsmuster, Interessen


ISBN: 978385476-169-3


Development Cooperation. Agents, Action Patterns, Interests

Development cooperation is a complex field, shaped by different powerful agents. Therewith the unequal distribution of means, technological competences, social knowledge and political power becomes clear. Also the terms »partnership«, »empowerment« or »sustainability« in the developmental discourse can't deceive the fact that a half century of modern development cooperation has not diminished the distance between »donors« and »receivers«.

The authors describe the current conditions and point to the development, the character and the results of the intrinsic asymmetry that has coined the bilateral as well as the multinational development cooperation since its beginnings. In the centre of the analyses are the tools and concepts of development cooperation, the role of the different agents, the historical change of relations and conceptions as well as experiences of power and impotence in dealing with the »other«.

» Full Text in German

Andreas Hutter
Rasierklingen im Kopf

Ernst Spitz - Literat, Journalist, Aufklärer


ISBN: 978385476-160-0


Razor Blades in the Head. Ernst Spitz - Writer, Journalist, Enlightener

In the 1920s and 1930s Ernst Spitz, born in 1902 in Kronstadt, was a colourful figure of the Viennese »Kaffeehausliteratur/coffeehaus literature«; so to speak an early predecessor of the undercover working journalist Günther Wallraff.

In 1923 Ernst Spitz was arrested as reporter of a demonstration in front of the Viennese parliament, an unparalleled case in the Austrian press history with an aftermath in the National Assembly. He was imprisoned for two month and afterwards wrote a series of articles »Kerker/Jail« that caused a sensation.

He revealed scandals of the Austrian journalism, was fellow campaigner of Karl Kraus, desk colleague and rival of the later famous director Billie Wilder. Together with Fritz Eckhard he wrote the texts for Leon Askin's »Cabaret ABC«.

His life story mirrors the political radicalisation of the interwar period and the tragedy of the Central European Jews. Ernst Spitzer was literally as well as physically put to silence by the Nazis: He was shot 1940 in the concentration camp Buchenwald »on the run.«

Hutter's biography of Spitz and collection of his best feuilletons and reports grounds on not-published and self-researched material. A book that leads the reader closely through the coffeehouses of the writers, the culture and cabaret scene of the just declined Kakania.

» Full Text in German

Politik der Eigenständigkeit

Lateinamerikanische Vorschläge für eine neue Demokratie


ISBN: 978385476-171-6


Policy of Autonomy. Latin-American Suggestions for a New Democracy

Besides unemployment and precarious jobs the despotism of the market shows an enormous deficiency in democratic self-determination.

The sell-out of politics to the globalised economy leads to the loss of quality of living in almost every field. Culture and environment, solidarity and democracy are sacrificed on the altar of a one-dimensional economic system that perceives itself to end in itself.

At the example of the fights of native peoples in Latin America twelve research institutes of three continents have developed the concept of multicultural autonomy as an alternative to the national states that are in a crisis. The examples go from the Kuna-Indians of Panama to the north Caucasian peoples of Chechnya. With political engagement and scientific accuracy the authors of this book prove that a more peaceful, democratic and fair world is in some cultures already a reality. A reality that is worth to be analysed.

» Full Text in German

Christa Fuchs, Gudrun Harrer
Besoffene Kapuziner

und andere Rezepturen zur kulinarischen Verbesserung Mitteleuropas


ISBN: 978385476-168-6


»Drunk Capuchin« and further Recipes for the Culinary Refinement of Central Europe

Harrer and Fuchs have once again cooked up a treat. Since the publication of their first book in Mandelbaum, »Als Oma im Keller Quargel aß/When Grandma ate Quargel in the Cellar«, the two cookery columnists from the Austrian daily »Der Standard« have been dutifully – or perhaps not so dutifully – continuing their work, which consists not only of doling out the soup that they land themselves in, but also of writing about it.

What goes into the soup tureen? Just about everything edible and non-edible that runs, crawls or flies across their path – from the railway workers’ cow and goose in a jar to bunny rabbits, not to mention the produce of the fruit and vegetable garden. The geographical home of the Fuchs-Harrer culinary art is not so easy to determine: whereas they used to show a particular preference for pasta, these days sheep’s stomachs and the like also find their way into the pot. Exotic dishes of this type are more than balanced out by down-to-earth cooking: the earnest devotion to dumplings, for example, is worthy of the Austrian Order of Merit. At the suggestion of their many fans, the Fuchs-Harrer recipes – all of them, from the beginning onwards – are now listed separately and not buried in the text.

» Full Text in German

PAWLOWSKY, Verena / WENDELIN, Harald (Hg.)
Arisierte Wirtschaft

Raub und Rückgabe – Österreich von 1938 bis heute


ISBN: 978385476-161-7


Aryanized Economy. Deprivation and Restitution - Austria from 1938 until Today

This book is the second volume of the series »Deprivation and Restitution - Austria from 1938 until Today«. Under the title »Aryanized« economy the authors investigate in various aspects of deprivation of asset and restitution in the economical realm. It is shown that deprivation was executed not only because of »racial« aspects. To a greater degree the aim to clear up the structures of the Austrian economy was in the foreground, at least for a part of the Nazi bureaucracy. This process should - how the history after 1945 demonstrates - prove to be sustainable.

Subjects of the book are Aryanization of business and banks as well as the deprivation of booths or changes in the Austrian chambers of commerce. Case studies illustrate the brutality of the deprivation and the complex procedures of restitution. Supplemented are the examples with biographical sketches of central figures like Walther Kastner or Josef Joham. The former was head of the so called »Vermögensverkehrsstelle/Office for the Transfer of Property« that undertook a grand part of the robbery of the Jewish population. The latter was one of the colourful figures of Austrian economic life.

The series »Raub und Rückgabe. Österreich von 1938 bis heute/Deprivation and Restitution. Austria from 1938 until Today« presents compactly and exemplarily the subjects »Aryanization«, expropriation and restitution that were analysed by the Austrian Commission of History.

» Full Text in German

Jindrich Lion
Jüdisches Prag/Jewish Prague


ISBN: 978385476-139-6


Jewish Prague

»This little mother has claws,« wrote Franz Kafka about the golden city of Prague, which for centuries was the centre of European Judaism and the inspiration for many outstanding personalities. A city whose charm derives from the simultaneous presence of a living past and an equally vibrant present. A city of Czechs, Germans and Jews, a (fragile) unity and yet a city split into three. The book takes a look at the countless parallel worlds in Prague, the legends behind the realities, the ghosts of the old ghetto, the world of the past, and a new up-and-coming Jewish Prague with its restaurants, shops and Jewish cultural life.

Travelling with Mandelbaum – Jewish Europe city guides: These guides offer historical and practical information on past and present Jewish life in European cities together with cultural pointers and the stories behind the visible world. They also contain addresses, photos and maps to illustrate the past and Jewish life today. Guides on Vienna, Budapest, Prague and Amsterdam have already been published.

» Full Text in German

PAWLOWSKY, Verena / WENDELIN, Harald (Hg.)
Die Republik und das NS-Erbe

Raub und Rückgabe - Österreich von 1938 bis heute


ISBN: 978385476-154-9


Republic and Nazi Legacy. Deprivation and Restitution. Austria from 1938 until Today

Despite the thesis that Austria had been a victim of the National Socialism the Austrian state was in many fields a successor of the German Reich. The property of the Reich came in the republic's ownership after 1945. And therefore the individual has had to fight for the restitution of his/her property legally with the Austrian state.

Neither has Austria everything restored nor everyone compensated after 1945 nor has it revoked its responsibility. All that can be traced back to the problems at the beginning of the Second Republic. The regaining of the Austrian identity and statehood after 1945 was achieved by the repression of the shared responsibility and involvement of many Austrians in National Socialism. The calculation of the victim thesis became a comfortable argumentation aid for the rejecting of restitution and compensation as a »public« task.

This study is the first volume of the four-volume series »Raub und Rückgabe. Österreich von 1938 bis heute/Deprivation and Restitution. Austria from 1938 until Today«, which presents compactly and exemplarily the subjects »Aryanization«, expropriation and restitution that were analysed by the Austrian Commission of History.

» Full Text in German

Maria Breunlich, Helga Haas
Karpfen, Krebs und Kälbernes

Ein bürgerliches Kochbuch aus der Barockzeit


ISBN: 978385476-135-8


Carps, Crabs and Veal. A Bourgeois Cookbook from the Baroque

This cookbook is a “find” in the truest sense of the word, as it was discovered completely by chance. Written in cursive script, it was probably given to a housewife of the time on the occasion of her birthday. The original was found in the attic of a patrician house in Vienna and dates from 1779. It was probably compiled for Maria Eleonora Anna Apollonia Hirsch, daughter of a brewery clerk in Moravia. A young female handwriting in brown ink lists 195 recipes, for soup, meat, fish and crab dishes, pastries, sauces, vol-au-vents and all kinds of desserts.

The two editors have transcribed the recipes, explained them and provided an introduction to the cooking traditions of the time. They also give an insight into the purchasing, dietary and living situation of the Vienna bourgeoisie in the second half of the 18th century: what was bought and where, how the bourgeois cuisine differed from that of the nobility, how the table was laid and how the beef broth, freshwater fish and almond desserts were served. Readers will discover, for example, that ginger and saffron were used much more in those days than they are today.

There is a selection of 30 recipes adapted to today’s circumstances that provide an opportunity to recreate the dishes and atmosphere of the 18th century and the era of Maria Theresa. This cuisine is in fact at the root of modern good plain cooking.

» Full Text in German

Stefan Pollatschek
Doktor Ascher und seine Väter

Historischer Roman


ISBN: 978385476-129-7


Doctor Ascher and his Fathers. A historical novel

The successful Viennese author Stefan Pollatschek wrote this impressive family history in the early 1940s while in exile in England. It covers the period from the persecution of the Jews by the Spanish Inquisition to Vienna in 1938.

The novel from the author’s estate describes the history (and persecution) of the Jews in impressive detail. The individual episodes are linked by descriptions of the anti-Jewish activities in Vienna in 1938. This realistic and authentic description of the everyday torments and harassment by the Nazis turns the novel into a historical documentary.

The history of the Ascher family is integrated into the story in the form of recollections by the protagonists. The ancestors appear to describe key moments and figures in Jewish history: Rabbi Akiba in Spain under the Inquisition, Vinzenz Fettmilch in the Frankfurt ghetto, the false messiah Sabbatei Zwi, the German anti-Semitism of the 19th century, Heinrich Heine, Theodor Herzl and the anti-Semitism at the University of Vienna in the 1930s. The narrative technique is reminiscent of Robert Menasse’s historical novel “Vertreibung aus der Hölle/Expulsion from Hell” (2001).

By a miracle, Pollatschek and his family remained unharmed after the “Anschluss”. They escaped to England via Czechoslovakia with the aid of the Thomas Mann Committee and it was in England that Pollatschek completed his 1000-page “Doktor Ascher” manuscript in just under two years.

At the initiative of Gerda Hoffer, the author’s daughter and herself a successful writer, the novel was lovingly revised and abridged by the well known German studies expert Konstantin Kaiser.

» Full Text in German

Linde Waber, Hil de Gard
fisch poem

Das endliche Kunst-Kochbuch


ISBN: 978385476-136-5


fish poem. The Finite Art-Cookbook

The Viennese artists Hil de Gard and Linde Waber have collected recipes and stories of fish, seafood and the like in this art-cookbook. About 100 Viennese artists, their friends, neighbours and like-minded people have contributed 180 recipes, which are partly accompanied by capricious texts: Lapu-Lapu fish of the Austrian consul general in Hong Kong, peach-salmon salad, Matjes-sushi-role or even mad spiny lobster. Afterwards the reader will find something more down-to-earth like bean-fish stew and stockfish mash, while the architect Maria Auböck comes up with the mysterious recipe »Bohemia lies at the Ocean«.

»With oysters I am excessive,« reveals Angelica Bäumer in her text »From the Handling of Oysters«; Thomas Rothschild says that »Spiny lobster are to fish like a bottle Veuve Clicquot to a glass of beer«; Kristian Sotriffer thinks about Paul Klee and fish; Franzobel contributes a singular explanation of the production of white wine and Ferdinand Schmatz portrays the form of his method of eating: »The mouth is in the meat. The tongue has a leak, the meat stands up, and through the leak it breaks into - Nothing? Stop. Who swallows? A tooth goes along.«

» Full Text in German

Julia Kaldori
Jüdisches Budapest / Jewish Budapest


ISBN: 978385476-111-2


Jüdisches Budapest / Jewish Budapest

»The fortress of Zion on the shores of the Danube« is the way the Jews of Budapest described their beloved city. Julia Kaldori tells their story, from its earliest days to the present, revealing the fertile interaction between the city and its Jewish inhabitants. Historic figures, architectural masterpieces and Jewish society then and now are brought to life for the reader, with illustrations of lost treasures and photos of modern-day relics providing the backcloth for the tale. The detailed address section gives an idea of the vitality of Jewish life in Budapest today.

Travelling with Mandelbaum – Jewish Europe city guides: These guides offer historical and practical information on past and present Jewish life in European cities together with cultural pointers and the stories behind the visible world. They also contain addresses, photos and maps to illustrate the past and Jewish life today. Guides on Vienna, Prague and Amsterdam have already been published.

» Full Text in German

LAPPIN, Eleonore (Hg.)
Juden und Film/Jews and Film

Vienna, Prague, Hollywood


ISBN: 978385476-127-3


Jews and Film. Vienna, Prague, Hollywood

The new medium film had not only a great attraction for Jews. The quickly developing film industry offered them chances as actors, directors, screenplay writers, composers but also as producers, contributors or cinema operators. The Jews had an important part in transforming the First Republic of Austria into a leading film nation.

And also Hollywood soon discovered the gift of Jewish Austrians. The emigration of filmmakers especially to the USA began already before 1938 and it brought new impulses to the American film production. The refugees took along with them not only European consciousness of culture but also sensitivity for racist and social discrimination that influenced generations of American filmmakers.

Furthermore, the film soon discovered Judaism as subject. Not at least the Jewish Prague was a fascination for filmmakers; the works of Jewish authors of the Czech area had been source material for many films.

The Czech film has shown and still shows a remarkable occupation with the Shoa. The film in Austria took up this subject not that freely, although a few important films emerged.

» Full Text in German

Stefanie Holzer
In 80 Tagen um Österreich

Ein Reisebuch


ISBN: 978385476-099-3


Around Austria in Eighty Days. A Travel Book

This travel book - a category between travel guide and travel feuilleton - deals with the exceptional and the bizarre of known Austrian regions like Innviertel,Weinviertel, Mühlviertel, Burgenland or Styria as well as the neighbouring regions across the national border.

The view of the author reveals the things behind things, the countries behind landscapes, and the people behind the population.

She unearths and describes unrestrained subjectively and often (self-)ironically.

Architecture and places, people and, of course, also animals - preferably cows - trigger off rambling and amazing associations.

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Gabriele Anderl, Walter Manoschek
Gescheiterte Flucht

Der »Kladovo-Transport« auf dem Weg nach Palästina 1939–1942


ISBN: 978385476-045-0


Failed Escape. The »Kladovo-Transport« on the Way to Palestine 1939-42

»This book describes the tragedy of over thousand Jews who tried to escape the Nazis. The authors have presented the atmosphere of the two-year odyssey in all its details by the means of conversations with survivors and former occupiers, analyses of documents and evaluation of letters. Many of the meticulously portrayed details were even unknown to the historians who have occupied themselves with the history of the decay of European Jews - therefore, this book is an important supplement of our knowledge of history.« Simon Wiesenthal

» Full Text in German

Zinovij Stoljar
A yiddishe Doyne

Jüdische Volksmusik in Osteuropa


ISBN: 978385476-029-0


A Yiddish Doyne

This is the first collection of Jewish songs and melodies from Bessarabia. About thirty songs and instrumental pieces, complete with sheet music, Yiddish and German texts, are presented. They give an impression of Jewish folk music, which has been a defining factor for the whole musical region of Eastern Europe.

The recording and exploration of Jewish folk music has come to a start at the end of the 19th century. Due to the mostly oral tradition, the state of knowledge is still very uncomplete and this collection is a good step towards further studies.

» Full Text in German

